Local Loves: Denise Byers Candles & Instagram Giveaway

5 Aug 2020

I first discovered Denise Byers Candles roughly 6+ years ago and since then they have been my go-to candles for my home as I'm utterly obsessed with them and always telling friends and family to check them out or buying them as gifts.

Denise Byers Candles is a local business often found at a local Saturday market in Newtownards. They specialise in candles of  all different scents from Lenore, Zoflora, Cola bottle and even Chanel No 5! Plus a whole heap more. They offer votive candles, wax bars, oils and my favourite tartlets. They even offer starter sets (perfect for gifts) which include a burner and wax bars. Check out their Facebook page HERE

The fragrance lasts which is the most important thing for me being the pet owner of an indoor cat, this means I'm always worried about little odors but even after my burners been long blown out the scent still lingers in the air, leaving a refreshing feel. 

I would opt to purchase from Denise Byers Candles before Yankee or another brand as I love the design of them, the scents are fresh and unique plus they're really colourful. I've placed them in my bedroom, hall and even bathroom sometimes the same fragrance or a variety of ones. 

NOTE: Never leave candles unattended for long periods of time, around children or pets and don't leave the house with them lit. 

Check out the giveaway I'm doing over on Instagram to win a wax bar of my favourite scent open to UK residents only. Enter HERE.

What do you think of Denise Byers Candles? Do you have a favourite summery scent? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. Oooh these look and sound amazing. My mum loves these, and the scents sound right up her street, Going to buy her some of these to cheer her up!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. They are as good as they sound! You will not be disappointed, I promise! :)
