The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 11 - Describe Your Worst/Funniest/Most Embarrassing Date
25 Feb 2014
Well THIS is embarrassing right here as I've NEVER been on a date but I have plenty of time to go on a few dates in the future so it's good. :) so since I can't actually talk about my worst/funniest/most embarrassing date shall I just talk about my most funny/worst/embarrassing memory? (Cause av had a few of those)
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 10 - Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you.
24 Feb 2014
Ahhh omg 10 days has flown by I can't believe I've kept this up and stuck at it! Yippee I so deserve a treat at the end of this if I do everyday! :)
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 6 - Sound off on the quote: “Every woman has the exact love life she wants.”
20 Feb 2014
Waow day 6 already! :O Todays statement is...
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 4 - What's your Biggest Fear as a Single Person
18 Feb 2014
What's your biggest fear as a single person? Well todays question has sort of stomped me! Do I be honest and tell the truth or do I tell a half truth incase someone I know reads
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 3 - When has being single been really awesome?
17 Feb 2014
It's day 3 of the single woman 30 day challenge and todays question is...
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Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome
The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 2 - When has being single really sucked?
16 Feb 2014
Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked.
Hmm... day 2 and already am struggling with an answer! I love my own company. I'm always busy or on the move so I don't really get time to sit down and think about being single. I like things being peaceful and quiet. I live with my family so I don't ever get lonely as some might being single.
The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge
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The Single Woman 30 Day Challenge: Day 1 - And why are YOU still Single?
15 Feb 2014
It's the first day after Valentines.. not like we singletons could really forget the date is it? For 14 days everywhere we look shop window displays are filled with bright red hearts and *14 February* all thrown across them plus don't forget the big teddy bears holding chocolates, the adverts on the telly for cards, the bouquets of roses all sitting neatly in Tesco waiting for someone to buy them, then there's balloons, bags, rings and to top it all off our facebook newsfeed being chocker block with everyone posting pictures of what their lovelies got them. (Can someone grab me a sick bucket while I puke?)
Woohoo! I completed one item of my 2014 bucket list and have added £2 to the money box :) When my sister mentioned she was going to the library I knew this was the perfect opportunity to complete one thing and was...
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Write a note and leave it in a library book.
Today I saw this tweet on The Single Womans Twitter account..
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Being a vegetarian who doesn't eat vegetarian food can be quite frustrating sometimes when looking for something time consuming to eat. Especially for me as I'm a really fussy eater and have really bad problems with food. Which is why am all excited I can finally cook something tasty and quick which equals super awesome dinner for me. Wanna know what this awesome tasty dish is? Well pizza sodas.. I know come to think of it they are actually quite simple to cook BUT this is coming from someone who melts chocolate forgetting to add water to the saucepan and burns microchips.. (don't ask how... no really don't)

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